Ideas happen when we quietly and humbly listen. It's always a good ideas to listen twice as much as we speak. As we quietly think we connect things , the assimilation requires silence. Ideas breath in solitude. They expand and envision new horizons. Silence opens up a life that activity has little time or energy to discover. Thinking is an intense experience it's take a lot of energy to think. You need to feel your thoughts running through your mind. Concentrate on where your ideas come from and what you are doing with them is how they come out in your expression. Do not release a dissipated idea. Too often we have allowed ourselves to be satisfied with mediocre ideas and experiences. We open our minds but lack the enthusiastic desire to search after great ideas. In order to break this trivia habit we need to continuously feed ourselves with knowledge by reading but at the same time it's easy to build an ivory tower of information with out taking any action. Where we protect our selves from the sensitivity of human feelings with a wall of facts. We fail to appreciate that knowledge is always relational. The truly educated person has allowed his ideas to become experiences. His pursuit and absorption of truth has refashioned information into people. It's an opinion of many that all real life is meeting people. Everyone we meet is an idea and experience that we should assimilate and adsorb. Everyone we meet is another book in our library. Our thinking into ideas should be tempered with prudence. A prudent person is quick to think , quick to listen , but slow to speak. He realises that hasty, rash judgment made by an uniformed mind will only strain emotions and hurt good people. Ideas are to powerful to be rashly spoken.