Every thought , imagination and idea is a cause that has an effect. What we think usually makes us what we are. If we are ashamed of what we are becoming, then we should evaluate our thoughts and ideas. We cannot determine our destiny, but we have a choice of an ideology that will influence the direction of our life. We need not be a prisoner of hopeless boredom. The key of freedom and growth is an idea. An evolution of thoughts into ideas gradually nurture human life from a young age, our life then expends as our ideas expand. We can not have an identity with out ideology. The confusion of who we are - our identity often keeps us ill-at-ease. We search for the meaning and and clarification of the I in our life. We ask the same questions: what values am I seeking? What really counts for me? How am i coming across to other people? Our philosophy of life sets the tone for our values and goals. Our life then unifies around this fundamental choice with a consistency that keeps order and meaning in our life. Otherwise we'll become confused with thousands of unrelated ideas. If we are dissatisfied with our identity, the. We must reevaluate our ideas and thoughts. We are what we think. Many people will never be at peace because they have not rearranged and simplified their ideas. They take tranquillisers instead of changing their mentality.